Books by Dr. Laura Harris
Books by Dr. Laura Harris
All books are available at online book sellers,
Fear Him
This book was written with the idea of awakening the Body of Christ from slumber by remembering who the Lord is in his fullness. The Lord is gentle in grace, but he is also fierce in judgment. Viewing the Lord as all grace and no judgment presents an erroneous picture of the Lord. Similarly, showing God as all judgment and no grace is also incorrect. God is truly seen in a holy tension between grace and judgment. God is love, but the Lord will not be mocked, either. Fear Him is a reminder that God has many natures, some of which should cause the Body of Christ to respect him anew! This book was written with the idea of awakening the Body of Christ from slumber by remembering who the Lord is in his fullness. The Lord is gentle in grace, but he is also fierce in judgment. Viewing the Lord as all grace and no judgment presents an erroneous picture of the Lord. Similarly, showing God as all judgment and no grace is also incorrect. God is truly seen in a holy tension between grace and judgment. God is love, but the Lord will not be mocked, either. Fear Him is a reminder that God has many natures, some of which should cause the Body of Christ to respect him anew! |
Dig Deep
This book is the first in a series entitled "Dig Deep Build High." The first book is about digging up bad foundations and building solid foundations. Foundations are platforms for personal Christian growth. Some examples of foundations are increasing capacity to grow, being surrendered to the Lord, having godly character. A proper foundation is an indispensable part of any structure. When believers dig deep and prepare sound footing on the rock, the building will withstand any storm. |
The Strategy of Knowledge
The one who obeys the voice of the Lord and abides in the Word of God is a special treasure to the Lord! The Strategy of Knowledge will teach readers how to seek the knowledge of God and how to use it once it has been revealed by the Holy Spirit through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowledge is the Lord’s key to overcoming in victory. |
Leader! was birthed on the isle of Patmos, where John received the book of Revelation. Laura Harris went to Patmos specifically to seek the Lord. Immediately, the Lord began to teach her about preparing apostolic leaders for what will be required in the days ahead. Leader! is designed to help apostolic leaders prepare themselves and the Church to bring godly order. Could it be that the apostolic leaders and the Church are unprepared for what is coming? Leader! will seek to overcome unpreparedness both in the leadership and in the body by looking at qualities and characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and the hardships of being chosen by God to be an end-time leader. If the body of Christ cannot handle the challenges of the peaceful times, how will we handle the challenges of the hard times. The Lord challenged Jeremiah saying, "If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?” (Jer. 12:5). This book is a “must-read” for apostolic leaders. |
Exposing the Hidden Bondage of Shame Lack of recognition is the biggest problem for eliminating shame. Many who are burdened by shame do not even realize the name for the intense emotion that they feel. The effects of shame are also found throughout the pages of Scripture. In fact, the first negative emotion from the first sin was shame! Satan used that vile trick immediately with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden! That fact alone says something about the strength of the weapon of shame in Satan’s hands. The Lord Jesus Christ has revealed eye-opening biblical truths to expose shame. It is a huge problem for those in the church, as well as for those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus Christ. After hearing these truths many have said, “Now I have a name for what I have been feeling!” People can readily identify a sin or victimization. However, shame is neither of those things: It is a negative emotion which attaches to a person as a result of a sin or victimization. Dealing with the sin or hurt does not necessarily deal with the shame. The reason that shame is devastating is that it can be difficult to identify, and therefore, difficult to eliminate. This book exposes the hidden culprit of shame so that it can be eliminated! |
DISCUSSION AND STUDY GUIDE Exposing the Hidden Bondage of Shame and Effectively Dealing with It! The NO SHAME ZONE DISCUSSION AND STUDY GUIDE was written to complement NO SHAME ZONE, a book about exposing the hidden bondage of shame. The heart of the matter is to help people effectively deal with shame so they may walk in freedom. The questions contained in the NO SHAME ZONE DISCUSSION AND STUDY GUIDE are meant to stir thoughts and to provoke new ways to consider old problems. The Bible will provide all needed answers to the questions posed! This manual has many suggested verses to point to godly discernment of shame, unforgiveness, embarrassment, hurt, repentance, and other topics. NO SHAME ZONE DISCUSSION AND STUDY GUIDE is a great resource for guided conversation in prayer groups, Sunday school classes, or other discussion groups. People often receive motivation and inspiration from others who have been victorious in a personal battle or who are walking on the same path. Discussions with caring, empathetic, and honest people keep the group experience positive and efficient. This allows people to share or receive support for those moments of greatest need. |
Who is the Bride Did you ever wonder why the Church struggles to walk in the blessing of the Lord that is promised in Scripture? Have you questioned why the Church grapples for relevance in the culture where evil is running amok? The Lord promised that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. The Church must understand the biblical mandate to appeal to the King of kings for the salvation of the Jews. The inclusion of the Jews as a part of the bride of Christ will lose blessing and favor of the Lord on the Church. After Esther appealed to King Xerxes for the Jews, the heart of the king changed! He gratuitously approached Esther to give her any petition that she wanted even before he knew if she had a request! This will be the status of the Church when the Church appeals to the King of kings for Israel to be loosed from the vile attack of Satan that would seek to destroy her. Jews do not have to be Christians to be saved. They only have to believe and accept Yeshua as their Messiah. The Apostle Paul shows that the Jews do not have to stop being Jewish to follow Jesus. This revelation is transformative for both Israel and the Church. This book will change the future of the Church! |
Kingdom Citizenship Now!
Experience Citizenship in God’s Kingdom Now! When God’s presence and power come on earth, miracles happen. Learn why miracles happen. Investigate what hinders the kingdom of God from fully manifesting on earth. Understand what believers can do to invite the unending power of God on earth as it is in heaven. · First, Kingdom Citizenship Now! explores the authority of Jesus, the authority of the believer, and the power of the enemy, Satan. Jesus has all authority to rule and reign, and that leaves no authority for Satan! The enemy has lied to believers for far to long. Kingdom Citizenship Now! will give believers the tools and understanding needed to walk in God’s kingdom realm everyday! · Second, Kingdom Citizenship Now! explores the who, what, and why of the miracles found of the Bible. Everything that happened in the Bible when Jesus and the disciples walked the earth can happen now! Believers can invite and experience miraculous provision, multiplication, healing, overcoming the laws of nature, and other miracles of God. · Third, Kingdom Citizenship Now! explores practical ways that believers can walk in kingdom citizenship on earth as it is in heaven. Believers who want to walk in the miracle power of God through the Holy Spirit will learn how to make their lives a conduit for the power of God. Kingdom Citizenship Now! shows believers how to live in a way that invites the presence of God in power. Kingdom Citizenship Now! is full of new revelations and scriptural understanding. This book has over 900 biblical references. Kingdom Citizenship Now! is a vessel of God for new understanding into the meaning of even well-known passages. Experience God’s Kingdom on earth, NOW! |
This book is a cry to the Church of Jesus Christ to experience a wake up call. Time is Short. The Church is Called to be in a state of readiness and preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.
The body of Christ is drowsy and may have fallen asleep. Sadly some who think that they are ready may be sadly mistaken. Many have heard the word, but it has not transformed their lives. This may be the book for you if you are feeling uncomfortable with what you are reading. |