Below are some of the ministries we support.
We also give to local churches and ministries.
Armed with a focused strategy, Alaska Missions is melting the agnostic hostility toward Christ, and ministering to broken people who are desperate for hope and peace. Our teams work to restore identity to those whom are broken, and convey tools for living healthy lifestyles. Our village service projects target community development and help to heal Historic Trauma & Generational Abuse. Learn more here.
Aglow is a dynamic, global Kingdom movement made up of women and men with a single purpose: to see God's will done on earth as it is in Heaven. Learn more here.
The Christ Church Mercy Fund helps those in Jerusalem who “fall between the cracks” and can’t get help from their governments or other NGOs. Learn more here.
Embrace A Child Foundation provides a Christ-centered community for the orphaned and abandoned. Uganda’s children are in crisis. Two and half decades of an HIV/AIDS epidemic, little access to health care, abject poverty, and a severe lack of resources have created a nation of vulnerable children, many of whom face starvation, sickness, and exploitation. We believe God calls us to address the needs of the abandoned, orphaned and vulnerable children of Uganda for His glory. Learn more here.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)has been combining faith + athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ for over 60 years. Learn more and donate here.
The mission of Green River Ministries Homeless Shelter is to be guided by God to shelter the homeless and provide a pathway to restoration to those in need. We are located in Taylor County Kentucky. Learn more here.
The primary mission of Iris Global as a family is to seek the face of God with all our hearts, that we might glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. We proclaim Jesus. He is our salvation, our prize, our reward, our inheritance, our destination, our motivation, our joy, wisdom and sanctification — and absolutely everything else we need, now and forever. Learn more here.
J.O.Y. Ministries began with a team of youth leaders in Adair County organizing mission trips around the United States and abroad. In the fall of 2011, God impressed upon the team the desire to serve people in the local community stricken by poverty, single parenthood, and drugs. J.O.Y Ministries desires to demonstrate to others through personal relationships the life change that comes with knowing our Savior. Learn more here.
Life Impact is fighting to end child exploitation. We will do whatever it takes to save exploited and at-risk children. Our strategy is simple: Prevent, Rescue, and Heal. We fight to “Prevent” the atrocities of exploitation in all its forms from trafficking, abuse, and abandonment, to slavery and prostitution. We fight to “Rescue” as many children as possible. And we fight to bring “Healing” and restoration to broken hearts, bodies, and minds. Join the fight! Learn more here.
Since 1996, Mary Hall Freedom Village has empowered women, children, veterans, and families to end the cycle of homelessness, addiction, and poverty. Learn more here.
MentorKids Kentucky exists to positively impact the lives of kids, ages 6 to 14 years old, from single-parent and non-traditional households to promote academic excellence, character building, social responsibilities, relational and life skills development. Become a Mentor.
The story and ministry of ONE FOR ISRAEL is part of something much larger – the miraculous restoration of the Jewish people and the miraculous unity between Jewish and Arab believers in Jesus. Learn more here.
Uganda Counseling and Support Services is bringing hope to Uganda. At UCSS we are developing communities in Eastern Uganda by providing necessary social services, counseling and spiritual development – one community at a time. UCSS is using a holistic approach that addresses clean water, medical care, education, economic training and development, and teaching life skills through counseling and spiritual development. Learn more here.
United Theological Seminary prepares faithful and fruitful Christian leaders to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Learn more here.