Who Is The Bride?
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Who is the Bride?
by Laura Henry Harris
Pages: 232
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Did you ever wonder why the Church
struggles to walk in the blessing of the Lord that is promised in Scripture?
Have you questioned why the
Church grapples for relevance in the culture where evil is running amok?
The Lord promised that those who
bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. The
Church must understand the biblical mandate to appeal to the King of kings for
the salvation of the Jews. The inclusion of the Jews as a part of the bride of
Christ will lose blessing and favor of the Lord on the Church.
After Esther appealed to King
Xerxes for the Jews, the heart of the king changed! He gratuitously approached
Esther to give her any petition that she wanted even before he knew if she had
a request! This will be the status of the Church when the Church appeals to the
King of kings for Israel to be loosed from the vile attack of Satan that would
seek to destroy her.
Jews do not have to be Christians
to be saved. They only have to believe and accept Yeshua as their Messiah. The
Apostle Paul shows that the Jews do not have to stop being Jewish to follow
This revelation is transformative
for both Israel and the Church. This book will change the future of the Church!
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by Laura Henry Harris
Pages: 232
Dimensions: 6 x 9
- RELIGION - Christian Ministry Evangelism
- RELIGION - Christian Theology Eschatology
- RELIGION - Messianic Judaism
Did you ever wonder why the Church
struggles to walk in the blessing of the Lord that is promised in Scripture?
Have you questioned why the
Church grapples for relevance in the culture where evil is running amok?
The Lord promised that those who
bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. The
Church must understand the biblical mandate to appeal to the King of kings for
the salvation of the Jews. The inclusion of the Jews as a part of the bride of
Christ will lose blessing and favor of the Lord on the Church.
After Esther appealed to King
Xerxes for the Jews, the heart of the king changed! He gratuitously approached
Esther to give her any petition that she wanted even before he knew if she had
a request! This will be the status of the Church when the Church appeals to the
King of kings for Israel to be loosed from the vile attack of Satan that would
seek to destroy her.
Jews do not have to be Christians
to be saved. They only have to believe and accept Yeshua as their Messiah. The
Apostle Paul shows that the Jews do not have to stop being Jewish to follow
This revelation is transformative
for both Israel and the Church. This book will change the future of the Church!
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(1 book @ $12 each + Shipping = $16.00, 2 Books @ $12 each + Shipping = $28.00
4 books @ $12 each = $56.00)
Add Shipping and handling up to 4 to 10 books $8.00
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